International Journal of Emerging Research in Engineering, Science, and Management
Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 05-10, Jan-Mar 2022.
Design and Implementation of New Biorthogonal Wavelets and its Application to Image Processing
E Sasikala Reddy
TVV Sathyanarayana
Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, Gokula Krishna College of Engineering, Sullurpet
Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, Sri Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati
Abstract: Wavelet transformation has been an interesting field since its exposure with wavelet-based compression standard embedded zerotree wavelet. Though, the origin of wavelets back to many decades, the presence of research at the very beginning of wavelet bases is also being carried out in the research community. This is because of the wide presence of its applicability as well as its structure of adapting to the type of problem at hand. In this paper, an approach of designing biorthogonal wavelets is presented. This approach may be extended to design variety of wavelets. This paper mainly focus on the design steps and corresponding coding in MATLAB. By varying the length, type of the bases and other parameters, different wavelets may be devised.
Keywords: Biorthogonal wavelets, Spline function, wavelet base, wavelet design.
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