Influencer Marketing as Emerging Promotional Tool in Modern Era and Opportunities to Uprising Sales

Dr. A. B. Mishra

Prof. Kshirod Chand

Mr. Kapish Kaith

Associate Professor, International Institute of Management Studies, Pune

Assistant Professor, International Institute of Management Studies, Pune

Student, International Institute of Management Studies, Pune


Abstract: The increasing impact of social media for big brands nowadays are preferring influencer marketing over the traditional marketing techniques. Influencer advertising is a methodology that recognizes influential individuals on social media who impact a brand’s industry or target crowd. In an influencer advertising technique, a brand shapes an association with the influencer wherein the influencer consents to open their crowd to the brand’s informing or substance. Influencer marketing has become dramatically throughout the long term and the objective gathering for this promoting procedure is expanding step by step. Digital ad campaigns and online sketches made by the influencers get viral in no span of time. With hashtags, makes reference & other keywords the name of the brand stays in limelight for a longer period of time & impacts deeper in the minds of the audience. The research paper is based on secondary data. In this paper, the researcher has studied influencer market for promotions and various opportunities for market expansion.

Keywords: advertising, branding, influencer marketing, market expansion, social media


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