International Journal of Emerging Research in Engineering, Science, and Management
Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. 01-10, Oct-Dec 2024.

Enhancing the Performance and Durability of M35 Grade Concrete with Alccofine 1203

Vipparthi Anitha

P. Gnanamoorthy

Ch. Sivanarayana

M Durga

P.G. Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Bonam Venkata Chalamayya Engineering College (Autonomous), Odalarevu, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Bonam Venkata Chalamayya Engineering College (Autonomous), Odalarevu, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Bonam Venkata Chalamayya Engineering College (Autonomous), Odalarevu, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Bonam Venkata Chalamayya Engineering College (Autonomous), Odalarevu, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Abstract: The construction industry faces pressures to reduce its environmental footprint, prompting the exploration of sustainable materials that maintain or enhance conventional concrete’s performance. This study investigates Alccofine 1203, a high-performance micro-fine material, as a partial replacement for cement at increments of 5%, 10%, and 15%. Multiple concrete cubes were prepared and tested for compressive strength, flexural strength, workability, and durability. Fresh properties were evaluated using slump and flow tests, ensuring adequate workability, while long-term performance was assessed through durability tests, including permeability and chloride ion penetration. The results indicate that a 10% replacement of cement with Alccofine 1203 enhances the compressive strength and durability of concrete without compromising workability. Higher replacement percentages showed varied results, necessitating further investigation to optimize the mix design. This study highlights the potential of Alccofine 1203 as a sustainable alternative to traditional cement, offering significant implications for eco-friendly construction practices. This research contributes to the field by providing empirical data on Alccofine 1203’s effects on concrete, supporting the development of more sustainable building materials. Future work will focus on refining mix proportions and exploring Alccofine’s impact on other concrete properties such as shrinkage and creep.

Keywords: Alccofine 1203, Durability, Environmental impact in construction, Sustainable construction materials, Workability.


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