Indian Livestock Farm Management Methodologies: A Survey
Sanjay Mate
Vikas Somani
Prashant Dahiwale
Research Scholar, Sangam University, Bhilwara & Lecturer, Dept. of IT, Govt. Polytechnic Daman
Associate Professor and HOD, Department of CSE, Sangam University, Bhilwara,
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, Govt. Polytechnic, Daman
Abstract: Agriculture has a good stake in the world’s GDP. In many countries, agriculture and allied sectors have a good stake in national GDP. This paper covers details related to livestock since 1960s. The workforce has managed livestock for many decades. The workforce increases as the number of animals increases; it is an energy, time-consuming, and economically costly approach. Apart from it, there is no assurance about animal welfare in case of diseases, breeding, and feed intake issues. In the 21st century of digitalization, technology has a key role in improving overall monitoring, controlling, and processing in livestock management. This paper has gone thoroughly into the manual and automated livestock farm management, aiming welfare of animals, livestock products, consumers’ benefit, and sustainable environmental approaches.
Keywords: Block chain, Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Grazing, Mastitis, Voluntarily Culling
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