Physical Layer Security in Interference-Limited Land Mobile Satellite Communication Systems: Safeguarding Data Transmission
Mahesh Nelavalli
K Subrahmanyam
PG Scholar, Dept. of ECE, Gokula Krishna College of Engineering, Sullurpet
Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, Gokula Krishna College of Engineering, Sullurpet
This paper focuses on evaluating the secrecy performance of a downlink land mobile satellite (LMS) system. The system faces the challenge of providing secure communication between a satellite and a legitimate user while an eavesdropper is present on the ground. Additionally, co-channel interference signals at the user’s destination are considered. To address these issues, the study proposes a novel approach that utilizes Shadowed-Rician fading channels for satellite links and Nakagami-m fading for interfering terrestrial links. The main objective is to enhance the physical layer security of Interference-Limited Land Mobile Satellite Communication Systems. The approach incorporates advanced signal processing, beamforming, and artificial noise techniques to effectively manage interference. Encryption, authentication mechanisms, and intelligent power control strategies are implemented to protect transmitted data and optimize signal strength while reducing the risk of interception by potential eavesdroppers. Through comprehensive simulations, the proposed approach is thoroughly evaluated, demonstrating its effectiveness in achieving improved secrecy performance and increased resilience against security threats. The findings highlight the potential for its application in secure satellite communication systems operating in interference-constrained environments.
Keywords: Co-channel Interference, Downlink, Eavesdropper, Interference-Limited, Land Mobile Satellite Communication, Physical Layer Security, Secrecy Performance, Shadowed-Rician Fading, Nakagami-m Fading
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