IKEA - Phygital Transformation in Furniture Manufacturing Industry
*Dr. A. B. Mishra
Mithila Satarkar
Sanat Joshi
*Associate Professor, International Institute of Management Studies, Pune
Student, International Institute of Management Studies, Pune
Abstract: IKEA was formed in a remote corner of Sweden, where it was difficult to contact potential clients in larger towns. Is currently serving over 775 million clients worldwide and has a presence in 35 countries IKEA is the best illustration of phygital transformation having the combination of Physical plus digital, i.e., merging digital experiences with physical ones. Technology is a requirement of the twenty-first century. IKEA has established a physical and digital presence using technology. IKEA mixes AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality), which is a fundamental cause of the company’s success. This is the case study with a strong emphasis on sustainability development with the emerging phygital transmission of IKEA. The entire research is based on secondary data.
Keywords: Furniture Manufacturing, IKEA, Phygital Transmission, Sustainability Development.
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