Assessing the Organization Culture Influence in Employee Involvement and Empowerment

*Dr. Aabha Singhvi

$Mr. Yash C Doshi

@Dr. Ravindra. R. Kaikini

*Assistant Professor, ROFEL GRIMS MBA, Vapi, Gujarat, India

$Research Scholar, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

@Professor, Sahyadri college of Engineering & Management, Mangalore, Karnataka, India

Abstract: Employee involvement and empowerment are two deep factors that affect the daily performance of the organization; however, both
these aspects of involvement and empowerment are highly influenced by the organizational culture prevalent. The organizational culture thus,
has a greater role in the level of involvement and empowerment. Organizational culture is the way the organization works its planning and
strategizing, which further provides an impetus for the employees to stay. Culture does play a pivotal role in the organization. Employee
involvement is the level of interest shown by the employee to accomplish the overall strategy of the organization whereas employee
empowerment is the level of freedom towards the decision-making employees are allowed to make. This research paper is basically an assessment
towards analyzing these factors in-depth. The outcome of the research shows tremendous influence of organization culture in employee
empowerment and employee involvement.

Keywords: : employee empowerment, employee effectiveness, employee involvement, employee performance, organizational culture.


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